Posts tagged ‘poetry’

September 29, 2010

With the eyes of a poet.

%2522office space%2522 computer Pictures, Images and Photos

I’m beginning to feel like my technology owns me.  Maybe it’s that I bought an iPhone this summer; maybe it’s that we finally got a new computer a month ago, also.  Maybe it’s that I’ve been waiting (and waiting and waiting) for an email that hasn’t come with good or bad news, and I check my email every 5 minutes.  This is easy to do with an iPhone, of course, because it can push information straight to me.  But do I trust it to do that?  No.  I check it manually anyway. I’m a firm believer in all the merits of technology, but lately I have been spending wasting destroying many of my perfectly good minutes.  These are minutes I could be spending writing, or playing music, which I vowed to myself I would do more of.  They could be spent reading the really good book I’m in the middle of.  Going for a run.  Baking something.  Actually doing those pesky chores that “can wait” but shouldn’t.  And of course my little brain is wired anxious and untrusting, and immediately jumps to how technology is taking over the world and we’re losing appreciation for simplicity and books and writing and paper and oh my gosh, my kids aren’t even going to like to read. Does that sound like a stretch? Yeah, I know.  (But maybe not…..)

So here’s my challenge to myself today, and perhaps you’d like to join — today or any other day.

1. I will make a paper to-do list.  I use TeuxDeux, which is awesome, but it does tempt me to linger online…..

2. Comprehensive email checks in the morning (done), at lunch time, and at the end of the work day only.  (I say “comprehensive” because I do communicate with Eric via email during the day and my goal is not to cut off my only way of communicating with my husband.  During these checks I will respond/deal with anything not from him.)

3. No TV/movies (currently watching: Veronica Mars on Netflix Instant) unless I’m folding laundry — my entertainment will be reading The Fountainhead.

4.  Absolutely no checking Facebook.  At all.  I checked it once this morning and that is plenty until tomorrow.

I’m not saying technology is evil (I am writing this in a blog entry, afterall), or that I am trying to limit my productive use of it.  Truthfully, when I’m busy, it isn’t a problem.  But my “screen time” has grown into a little monster in this precious, temporary little free season and I would so much rather spend my extra time on things that will encourage and edify me — unlike embarrassingly long Facebook stalking sessions. (Yikes.)

In honor of this, a poem (which I captured with my phone while pretending to be a Reed student…badbadbad):

© Bob Hicok, published in Poetry Northwest, Spring-Summer 2010 issue.

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August 30, 2010

Monday mayhem.

It’s been an insane several days here, dealing with some things that, as Juno would say are “way beyond my maturity level.”  I’m so thankful that God uses the weak to lead the strong.  These items are a bit personal to write about publicly, but accept my apology when I say I’m sorry for being away.  Here’s what my Monday has for me today!

1000 Gifts

(Previous gifts here.)

I am thankful for…
61. A peaceful resolution to this week’s events.
62. God’s economy — those who boast in themselves have received their reward in full.
63. A lesson on trusting my intuition when I can’t think it away.
64. A husband who supports me, loves me, and takes care of me.
65. My crazy disorganized house post-painting, which I now have time to fix.
66. My little sister’s wedding in five days!
67. Getting to see Eric’s extended family this weekend and meet his grandma.
68. That Grandma Lynn’s health and memory will be restored in heaven and that her faithful husband will get to see her healthy and happy.
69. Glimpses of fall (while still being definitely summer).
70. Sisters, OR, and its clear skies and fresh air.
71. Peace.
72. The joy and excitement my in-laws always have for everything! They are the most enthusiastic people I know and take such joy in life’s simple pleasures.
73. A fresh perspective on work.
74. Hope.
75. BRIGHT pink toenails.  (I hate most pink things, but a neon manicure or pedicure is a major exception.)
76. Good-smelling things like candles, incense, and soap.
77. Our new computer!
78. Freezer meals.
79. Good photographers (*which I am not.)
80. Knowing how good a dad my husband will eventually be.

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